Home Economics

Home Economics

Home Economics is a field of study that deals with the relationship between individuals, families, communities, and the environment in which they live.


At Largy college Home Economics is a subject choice at both Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate level.  The subject is taken up by a vast amount of the school community and is very popular with students. 


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At Largy College Home Economics is a subject choice at both Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate level. The subject is taken up by a vast amount of the school community and is very popular with students.

Department Members:

Ms. H. Dudgeon

Ms. A. Coyle

Ms. E. McBride 

Home Economics aims to develop students’ knowledge, attitudes, understanding, skills and values to achieve optimal, healthy and sustainable living for every person as an individual and as a member of families and society. The learning experiences in Home Economics develop flexibility and adaptability in students and provide a learning foundation for a wide range of careers in food, textiles, science, design, social studies, and tourism. It is concerned with the management of resources (material and human) to meet the physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and economic needs of individuals and families. It equips students with the life skills needed for an ever-changing modern world.

Junior Cycle Home Economics:

Junior Cycle Home Economics permits learners to achieve optimal, healthy and sustainable living for individuals, families and society. When studying Home Economics at Junior Cycle students are given the opportunity in a hands on manner to implement strategies which will deal with everyday issues facing individuals, families and society.  Learners are given the opportunity to develop vital life skills whilst having personal responsibility for same. Junior Cycle Home Economics provides an opportunity for students who have a critical and creative mind and allows learners to be ethical and responsible  problem-solvers. 

The Junior Cycle Course is composed of three strands:

  • Food, Health and Culinary skills,
  • Responsible Family Living
  • Textiles and Craft.

 To give further emphasis to the integrated nature of learning in Home Economics, the learning outcomes for each of the strands are grouped by reference to four elements:

  • Individual and family empowerment,
  • Health and Wellbeing,
  • Sustainable and responsible living
  • Consumer competence.
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CBA 1:Creative Textiles

CBA 2:Food Literacy Skills brief

Final examination

  • Practical food skills examination - 50%
  • Written examination in June – 50%


Leaving Certificate:

The core syllabus is based on three areas of study and one elective chosen from a choice of three.

Core Areas:

  • Food studies
  • Resource management and consumer studies
  • Social studies

Elective Options (one is chosen)

  • Home design and management
  • Textiles, fashion and design
  • Social studies




Assessment will be in the form of a written examination paper in June of 6th year (80%) and an assessment of practical coursework (20%) which is completed in 5th year. There will also be an assessment of practical work for those candidates who study the textiles, fashion and design elective.


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Career Options:

Leaving Certificate Home Economics prepares students for a range of career opportunities.

Possible career paths include:

  • Home Economics Education
  • Hospitality and catering Industry
  • Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Healthcare
  • Textiles, Fashion and Design industry


Find out more below:

Junior Cycle: Home Economics (curriculumonline.ie)

Senior Cycle: Home Economics (curriculumonline.ie)

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Largy College, Post Primary School, Clones, Co Monaghan is part of the Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board, Bord Oideachais agus Oiliúna Chabháin agus Mhuineacháin


Our information and notices will be published through Komeer and Clones Notice Boards

Telephone: +353 (047) 51132


Email : info@largy.ie
Registered Charity Number: 20083304