When parents are involved in their children's  education, children do better on a wide range of measures.

From better behaviour to more confidence and greater self-esteem. With parental involment, statics show we have a higher attendance ratess and a lower risk of exclusion. Stay involved in your childs eduaction to achieve more enthusiasm about learning and most importantly, better results!

Transition Year & Leaving Cert Applied

During the month of October 2021, Planet Youth are inviting all  Transition Year/ LCA students in Largy College to take part in the Planet Youth survey. 

The survey involves filling out an anonymous questionnaire about their lifestyles, behaviours and health. The survey will take about 50 minutes and takes place in a classroom setting. 

An information leaflet about the survey can be found below. We would be grateful if you would consider reading this letter in full. 

At the end of the leaflet, you can indicate whether you do not wish your young person to take part. If you do not want your young person to take part in the survey, please return this signed form to your young person’s school. 

If we do not hear from you, we will assume that you agree to your young person taking part in the survey. 

As part of the Planet Youth program, we will send home a leaflet on local services that might be able to help your young person if they are experiences any difficulties identified in the survey.


PLanet Youth123





Please find some very important information about the phased return to school here (click on the image to acess):





Article from Department of Education:Back to school advice for parents, students and families

Article from Department of the Taoiseach: COVID-19 Resilience and Recovery 2021 - The Path Ahead

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Home School Community Liason

The underlying policy of the Home, School, Community Liaison Scheme, (HSCL) is one that seeks to promote partnership between parents and teachers. The purpose of this partnership is to enhance pupils’ learning opportunities and to promote their retention in the education system. In addition, the HSCL Scheme places great emphasis on collaboration with the local community. It fosters a sense of trust between the students, the parents and the school.

The five goals of the HSCL Scheme focus on

• promoting co-operation between home, school, and community

• empowering parents

• retaining young people in the education system

• supporting marginalised pupils

• disseminating best practice.


Home, School, Community Liaison Scheme in Largy College


Shane Moran is the HSCL Coordinator in Largy College. Seamus is available to meet with parents to discuss matters of concern which may be impacting on their children’s education. He is available to meet with parents both in the school or in the home

The aim of the HSCL Coordinator is to develop and maintain a positive parent/school relationship, to make our school more accessible to all parents/guardians and, in general, to promote the well-being of the school’s students.

The HSCL Coordinator is a key member of the school’s Pastoral Care Team, where he works closely with the Principal, Deputy Principal, Year Heads, Chaplain, Guidance Counsellors, SEN Coordinator and School Completion Team, in supporting the welfare of the students of the school.

The HSCL Coordinator plays a pivotal role in supporting students and their families through many difficult and challenging situations, up to and including situations requiring the implementation of the school’s Critical Incident Policy.

As well as working closely with the Primary schools in order to ensure a smooth transition to Post Primary, the HSCL has built strong links with other agencies which support young people and their families. These include statutory, voluntary and community groups such as the I.S.P.C.C, Tusla, Foroige, S.V.P, Clones Family Resource Centre Youth Work Ireland and many others. In this way we seek to work collaboratively in order to best meet the needs of all of our students


Contact Info: The HSCL corordinator can be contacted through the school directly or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

IMG 1390 
Exam Stress – Help for Parents

Handling exam stress can be an issue for the parent of any Junior Cert or Leaving Cert student as the pressure builds in the lead-up to exam time.

Exam Stress – Help for Parents

Being active on social media is a great way to show others how much fun you’re having,

Clones Irish Conversation Classes

Learn or ReLearn Irish for yourself and for your children. Encouragement and learning together always help your children progress.

The William C Campbell Bursary Scheme 2019 - 2020

Scholarship for disadvantaged students which is named after the scientist.

The Largy Leo Kelly Scholarship

The Leo Kelly Scholarship is designed to benefit and assist the students of Largy College, Clones.

Largy Data Protection GDPR

The EU General Data Protection Regulations or ‘the GDPR’ came into effect on 25th of May 2018

about logo

Largy College, Post Primary School, Clones, Co Monaghan is part of the Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board, Bord Oideachais agus Oiliúna Chabháin agus Mhuineacháin


Our information and notices will be published through Komeer and Clones Notice Boards

Telephone: +353 (047) 51132


Email : info@largy.ie
Registered Charity Number: 20083304